My Guitar Hero 3 Saga
Hey everyone!
So, I’ve had Guitar Hero 3 for the Wii since about Christmas time. Well, around spring, Activision realized they put out a crappy version of GH3. It said Dolby Surround Sound on the box, but it was actually Mono. They setup a return policy. You could return your GH3 disc to them and they would send you an updated version with dolby sourround. They also had a refund in place. You could send them the guitar, strap, & game back to them and they would send you a refund check for $132 bucks.
Well, after a few months of playing GH3 and loving it, I realized the Wii version was crippled. It wasn’t only crippled by the mono sound, but you couldn’t download new songs for it like you can with the Xbox 360 & PS3 versions. So, I decided to buy the 360 version and return my Wii version for the $132 refund. I thought this would be great, because I spend $80 for the Wii version. After $7 to ship it back to Activision I would still be $45 ahead!
So, I shipped back my Wii Guitar Hero 3 Game & Guitar. I was kind of scared of it getting lost in the mail somehow. So, I put a copy of my refund form filled out on the inside of the box. Then I wrapped the box in brown paper and stuck a copy of the refund form on the outside of the box. So, if one form somehow came up missing, there’d be a backup. About a couple weeks later I received this email:
Dear Greg,
The Activision Rebate Center recently received your submission for the following promotion:
Department: XXXXXX – Guitar Hero III Legends of Roc
Submission ID: XXXXXXXXXXTo access the status of your submission during processing, you may contact us at:
Customer Service: 888-788-4931We appreciate your business. Thank you.
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When I clicked on the link, it said my rebate would be shipping out later in the month. About 1 hour after I received that first email I received this email:
Dear Greg,
The Activision Rebate Center has completed processing your submission for the following promotion:
Department: XXXXXXX – Guitar Hero III Legends of Roc
Submission ID: XXXXXXXXUnfortunately, we were unable to honor your request for the following reason: You have exceeded the limit of one guitar refund per consumer/address. Additional guitars will be returned to you within 2-3 weeks.
You will receive an additional notification by mail. You may also access your submission by contacting us at:
Customer Service: 888-788-4931We appreciate your business. Thank you.
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Okay, this concerned me. Was this voiding out my rebate? What was going on. I only sent one guitar. Why are they saying I sent more than one guitar. I forgot about this whole ordeal until FedEx arrived at my house a few days later with this package:
Well, this really pissed me off. I also received a postcard in the mail the same day from Activision saying I didn’t qualify for the rebate because I sent more than one guitar. Dammit!! What? I only sent one!!
Another week passed by and I got the following email:
Dear Greg,
The Activision Rebate Center has completed processing your submission for the following promotion:
Department: XXXXXX – Guitar Hero III Legends of Roc
Submission ID: XXXXXXXXYour fulfillment has been mailed and you should be receiving it shortly. If you have questions about the status of your submission, you may contact us at:
Customer Service: 888-788-4931We appreciate your business. Thank you.
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What? What are they talking about? They sent my guitar back to me. What fulfillment were they talking about?
Well, a day after I received that email, I got this in the mail:
Thank you very much, Activision! Now I have my check AND my original game.
That is the greatest story! Definitely blogworthy! I consider that one of life’s little triumphs. Sometimes life gives you the short end of the stick and other times, no matter how minute it may seem to some, you beat the system because of their stupid mistake! AWESOME story Greg